Normal Weight in Pounds for Pediatric

Weight in pounds: Weight is another important factor where the health of children is concerned. Weight in pediatrics, especially of the newborns is recorded in pounds. So what is the normal range of weight for children? Here is an overview of the normal weight of an individual at each stage from birth to adulthood.

Newborn: The normal weight of a new born is between 4.5 to 7 pounds. If its premature, then the weight can be lesser.
Infant: An infant normally weighs between 9 and 22 pounds.
Toddler: At this age usually children grow very rapidly. So the normal weight for a toddler is between 22 and 31 pounds.
Pre-school children: Pre school children again, are at a stage where they grow very fast. So the normal weight for them could fluctuate anywhere around 14 and 18 pounds.
School going children: School children are in a stage of flux. They are running around, doing a lot of physical activities and create trouble for their mothers! But on a serious note, school going children weigh some where around 40 and 90 pounds.
From 12 years to adulthood: The stage of transformation of children to adults is a very complex one. There are a lot of bodily changes during this stage and the normal weight for this age group is anywhere around the same as school going children, although slightly more. It hovers between 90 and 100 pounds.

Normal Weight in Pounds for Pediatric

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