
Showing posts from 2015

Bowel Training - Definition, Indications and Contraindication

Bowel Training Definition Bowel training is training the intestine to reestablish normal bowel movements in people who suffer from constipation, diarrhea, fecal incontinence. Bowel training (defecation training) is a training program that is conducted on clients who have bowel incontinence or unable to maintain control of defecation. In simple language bowel training could be interpreted as helping the client to train defecation. The program is carried out on clients who have problems of irregular stool elimination. On the client experiencing chronic constipation, frequent obstipation / fecal incontinence, bowel training programs can help overcome them. The program is based on factors within the control of the client and is designed to help clients get back to normal defecation. The program is associated with fluid and food intake, exercise and defecation habits. Before starting the program, the client must understand and be directly involved. In broad outline of this program are as fo...

Definition of ARDS According to Experts

Definition of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome According to Experts ARDS is a disease caused by extensive damage to the alveoli and / or pulmonary capillary membrane. ARDS always happens after a major disruption in the system of pulmonary, cardiovascular, or body widely. (Ellizabeth J. Corwin, 1997) ARDS is the inability of the respiratory system to maintain normal blood oxygenation (PaO 2), elimination of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) and pH adequately, caused by ventilation problems diffusion or perfusion (Susan Martin T, 1997) ARDS is a medical emergency triggered by various acute processes that directly or indirectly associated with lung damage. (Aryanto Suwondo, 2006). ARDS occurs when the exchange of oxygen for carbon dioxide in the lungs are not able to maintain the rate of oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide formation in the cells of the body. Thereby causing oxygen tension less than 50 mmHg (hypoxemia) and an increase in carbon dioxide pressure greater than 45 mmHg (hypercapnia)...

Pathophysiology of Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Pathophysiology of Diabetic Ketoacidosis Diabetic ketoacidosis caused by lack of insulin or insufficient amount of insulin that is real, this situation led to disturbances in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. There are three important kliniks picture in diabetic ketoacidosis is dehydration, acidosis and electrolyte loss. If the amount of insulin is reduced, the amount of glucose that enters the cell will be reduced as well. Besides, the production of glucose by the liver becomes unmanageable. Both of these factors will result in hyperglycemia. In an effort to eliminate the excess glucose from the body, the kidneys excrete glucose together water and electrolytes (such as sodium and potassium). Osmotic diuresis which is characterized by excessive urination (polyuria) is the cause dehydration and electrolyte loss. Patients with severe ketoacidosis can lose approximately 6.5 liters of water and up to 400 to 500 mEq of sodium, potassium and chloride during a period of 24 h...

Signs and Symptoms of Aging Process

Signs and Symptoms According Patricia Gonce Morton et al, 2011 are: 1. Organic Change The amount of connective tissue and collagen increases. Cellular elements of the nervous system, muscles, and other vital organs disappears. The number of cells whose normal function decline. The amount of fat increases. The use of oxygen decreases. During rest, the amount of blood that is pumped decreases. The amount of air the lungs expired less. Hormone excretion declined. Sensory and perceptual activity decreased. The absorption of fat, protein, and carbohydrates decreased. Thicken the arterial lumen. 2. Nervous System Signs: A decrease in the number of neurons and an increase in the size and number of neuroglial cells. Decrease nerves and nerve fibers. Atrophy of the brain and an increase in dead space in the cranium. Thickening of the leptomeninges in the spinal cord. Symptoms: Increased risk of neurological problems; cerebrovascular injury, parkinsonism. Conduction of nerve fibers across the sy...

5 Foods For Your Heart Health

Various activities were very busy, bad for the quality of your health. It is often also result in the level of stress that you experience increased activity is also accompanied by a lack of exercise and eating habits foods that are not healthy for your body. Various of the above, it is contributing to an increase in your heart rate. Various foods can actually help stabilize your heart rate. By having a stable heart rate, or normal, then it is unlikely that we can have a heart attack and stroke which can be fatal course. For that, the food was good factor for heart has an important role in the health of our heart. Here are 5 foods for your heart health: Meals are made from milk is very good for our heart health. Various other foods such as cheese, tofu, broccoli and cabbage. This is because, a variety of these foods are rich in calcium are capable of acting to stabilize your heart rate. Various foods such as wheat, dates and green leafy vegetables are also very good for your heart healt...

Impact Using High Heels for Women's Foot Health

Nowadays, high heels become a trend both among the urban and rural. Many of the women who think that by using high heel shoes would make them look taller, more attractive, more confident and more graceful. However, many of the women who use high heels do not realize that the danger stalking them. Based on the results of research conducted by Griffith University in Queesland, Australia, showed that users of high heels can affect how to walk, either when they use high heels or when they are not using it. In other findings, published in the Journal of Applied Physiology in February 2012 also showed that women who used to wear high heels take shorter steps in walking or running. After investigation, the woman's leg muscles are used to wearing high heels turns changes, becoming thinner and tense. The impact, the ability to walk and run quickly becomes diminished. In addition to these impacts, the use of high heels can also affect others, such as: 1. Irritation and thickening of the sole...

Definition of Vertigo According to Experts

Definition of vertigo are: taste sensation of movement or motion of the body or the surrounding environment, can be accompanied by other symptoms, especially of autonomic networking, due to interference with the body's balance tool. Vertigo may not only consist of the symptoms of dizziness, but rather a collection of symptoms or syndrome of somatic symptoms (nystagmus, unstable), autonomic (pallor, cold sweat, nausea, vomiting) and dizziness (Tarwoto, et al. 2007) Vertigo can be classified as a form of balance disorder or disturbance in the orientation of the room. Many system or organ that is involved in regulating and maintaining the balance of our body. The balance is set by the integration of various systems including the vestibular system, visual system and the somatosensory system (propioseptic). To maintain the balance in the room, then at least two of the three systems mentioned above system must function properly. At vertigo, patients feel or see the surroundings move, or ...

Sciatica in Pregnancy

Sciatica in Pregnancy Characteristics of Sciatica Sharp pain as burning pain that comes and goes and often only felt on one side only. May feel pain in the lower back, on the back of the thigh and the back of the leg. May also feel a burning sensation or tingling and numbness or tingling in the legs. The pain may be uneven or wide. Well in case Sciatika these complaints can be very devastating and cause pain is more constant than pure pelvic pain / common in pregnant women. Home Care for Sciatica in Pregnancy Use warm compresses or ice packs to the painful area for 10 minutes. (for an ice pack can also use ice gel) and for a warm compress can use electric heat pillow or hot pot which can be found in pharmacies or in stores medical equipment. Wear flat-heeled shoes and soft. This helps prevent spinal too stretched and strained as it goes. Pay attention to your posture and try to keep your back straighter. When sitting, use a pillow / small bolster or rolled towel behind you to support ...

Diarrhea - Clinical Manifestations, Complications and Nursing Management

Diarrhea Diarrhea is increased frequency of bowel movements (more than three per day), increased amount of stool (more than 200 g per day), and altered consistency (ie, looseness) of stool. It is usually associated with urgency, perianal discomfort, incontinence, or a combination of these factors. Any condition that causes increased intestinal secretions, decreased mucosal absorption, or altered motility can produce diarrhea. Diarrhea can be caused by certain medications (eg, thyroid hormone replacement, stool softeners and laxatives, antibiotics, chemotherapy, antacids), certain tube feeding formulas, metabolic and endocrine disorders (eg, diabetes, Addison’s disease, thyrotoxicosis), and viral or bacterial infectious processes (eg, dysentery, shigellosis, food poisoning). Other disease processes associated with diarrhea are nutritional and malabsorptive disorders (eg, celiac disease), anal sphincter defect, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, paralytic ileus, intestinal obstruction, and acqu...

Healthy Living Tips For Elderly

The elderly have the endurance is lower. They are also much weaker because of their age who are not young anymore. However, the days of old they still have a chance to live a more healthy despite being elderly. 1. Choose a softer foods The digestive system of the elderly is certainly not as good as your digestive system younger. That is why they are better off eating softer foods that are easy to digest. 2. Avoiding the consumption of foods containing salt is too high The content of the salt is not good for health, especially for those who are elderly. That is why, cut salt levels in food intended for the elderly. These high levels of salt can lead to increases in blood pressure and so on. 3. Increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits Vegetables and fruits are also good nutrition for consumption of the elderly. The content in fruits and vegetables are very good for a good source of fiber. If those who are elderly, no longer able to chew some specific fruits, fruit juices can als...

How do You Respond to Children Who Don't Like Vegetables?

Vegetables contain many nutrients needed by the body. Do not consume vegetables can cause health problems, one of them is obese or overweight. This can occur because the body lacks many nutrients. Then, as a parent, what should we do? To know the answer, let us go read! As a parent, your job is to make the kids stay healthy by making them eat a healthy diet, one that is vegetables. However, there are important things you should know. Never force them. Because of the way would not change their eating habits. So what's the solution? Apparently to make your child eat vegetables is not difficult. The solution is, you only need to present the vegetables in containers or a different form. Here are some ways of presenting vegetables that will make your children like vegetables. Let us consider the following steps! 1. Do not serve vegetables in their raw form Do not serve vegetables in their raw form, because usually the kids did not like it. You can serve vegetables in the form of soup. S...

Causes and 5 Tips to Cure Cold and Flu Naturally

Main Causes of Flu or Colds Influenza (flu) is a type of infectious disease caused by RNA viruses of the Orthomyxoviridae family of viruses (influenza virus). Symptoms that typically arise from this disease among which chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pain, headache feels heavy, coughing, weakness / fatigue and general discomfort. 5 Tips to Cure Cold and Flu Naturally Well, once we know what the cause of flu, it's time I share Tips to Cure Cold and Flu Naturally. 1. Expand Drinking Water Why should drink water? the answer is simple, because water has a myriad of benefits, among others, may also help treat the flu or a cold. Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water / day. It aims to keep you clean the throat of germs that can cause colds. 2. Rest Tired body condition will cause the immune system to weaken and the flu will strike when the body is very weakened immune systems. Therefore, it is advisable for you to perform total rest and stop working for a while, so that your immune ...

Management of Urinary Incontinence in the Elderly

Urinary incontinence can be defined as uncontrolled or unrecognized issued urine within a certain amount or quite often, resulting in psychosocial problems or health problems. Urinary incontinence affects about 15-30% of old age (elderly) living in the house, which then resulted in a third of those treated in the chronic care. Clinically, urinary incontinence can cause redness (rash) on the perineum, decubitus ulcers, urinary tract infections, even urosepsis, falls, and fractures. Psychosocial, urinary incontinence is associated with embarrassment, stigmatization, isolation, depression, and the risk of care (institutionalization). Although elderly patients often neglect urinary incontinence and regarded as a normal part of the aging process, urinary incontinence is something abnormal at all ages, and can be treated and often curable, even at a very advanced age. However the way, successful management requires understanding the impact of normal aging and factors outside the urinary trac...

Beware of Sedative Dependence

Sedatives is a depressant belonging to the group of medicines called 'benzodiazepines'. These medications are prescribed by doctors to reduce stress, anxiety, to help people sleep and other medical uses. Usually these drugs in the form of capsules or tablets. Some people abusing sedatives because the effect is intoxicating. There are some sedative, especially those purchased in the streets, were made illegally. Means that the ingredients for pills and purity can not be controlled. It is dangerous because it increases the likelihood that the wearer had swallowed the materials that will cause a bad influence. Sedation for each person is different depending on the size of the dose, body weight, age of a person, how the drug is used and the mood of the wearer. Whether the direct effect of the use of sedatives? Relaxation / sense relaxed. Dizziness and confusion. Drooling or sputtered. Blurred vision, and like a shadow. Short-term memory loss. Drunken similar to alcohol intoxication...

Florence Nightingale - Theoretical Sources of the Environmental Theory

Florence Nightingale’s Environmental Theory Florence Nightingale (1820–1910) Known as the Lady with the Lamp, providing care to wounded and ill soldiers during the Crimean War Considered the founder of educated and scientific nursing Wrote the first nursing notes “Notes on Nursing: What it is, What is not” (1860) that became the basis of nursing practice and research. Considered the first nursing theorist. One of her theories was the Environmental Theory, which incorporated the restoration of the usual health status of the nurse's clients into the delivery of health care which is still practiced today. Theoretical Sources of the Environmental Theory Education: Nightingale is a very good mathematician (a nurse statistician) and a philosopher. Literature: Dicken's novel "The Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit", a novel that portrays a victorian drunken, untrained and inexpert nurse causes a stigma and bad impressions about nurses. The novel greatly affects her beliefs abou...

10 Factors Affecting the Human Body Temperature

Examination of the body temperature will signal that the core temperature is strictly controlled because it can be affected by chemical reactions. Examination of body temperature can be done in several places, namely: Armpits (axila). Mouth. Anus. Standard values to determine normal human body temperature is divided into four, namely: Hypothermia, when the body temperature less than 36 ° C. To measure the temperature of hypothermia, thermometer required size is low (low reading thermometer), which can measure up to 25 degrees Celsius. Normally, when the body temperature ranges between 36.5 to 37.5 ° C. Febrile / pyrexia / summer, when the body temperature above 37.5 to 40 ° C. Hyperthermia, when the body temperature of over 40 ° C. Factors that affect the temperature of the human body can be described as follows: 1. Basal Metabolism Speed Basal metabolic rate of each individual is different. It affects the amount of heat produced by the body becomes different. As mentioned in the previ...

10 Tips For Your Heart Health

If we read the writings of Jennifer Mieres, MD - An expert in the heart of the American Heart Association (AHA), which states that Heart Health will be greatly influenced by how we train and increase heart rate. This article will summarize my time 10 Tips for maintaining cardiovascular health, with reference to the above statement. All exercises involved here is not to be done in the gym, but you can do anywhere, whether at home, at work or while playing with your family. Do light aerobic exercise a minimum of 30-60 minutes each day. This exercise does not mean you got to the gym, just to go up / down stairs, walking fast, or anything that can increase heart rate. Activities such as jogging, swimming, and can also be coupled with yoga, are also very useful. Do not spoil yourself. Routine daily activities also can you make rehearsal heart, for example; park the vehicle in a position far enough away from your office (of course find a safe location), pick up the stairs rather than the ele...

10 Types of Fruit for Heart Health

Heart disease occurs due to the high levels of cholesterol (LDL = Low-density lipoprotein) and high blood pressure. This disease was once believed to attack the elderly, but in line with the lifestyle of urban dwellers are busy and often ignore frequent exercise and eating junk food, the disease can affect anyone regardless of age limits. Here are fruits that can help heart health, although we still have to change unhealthy lifestyle on top, because the fruits of this nature help and can not prevent heart disease. 1. Apples The content of flavonoids in apples are useful in improving cardiovascular health by reducing the adhesion of platelets in the arteries, lower cholesterol and dilate the arteries. 2. Apricot Apricots contain vitamin A, C, E and K, as well as fiber and carotenes. 3. Bananas Bananas contain vitamin B6 and C, fiber, magnesium and potassium. Magnesium and Potassium is useful in lowering blood pressure. 4. Berry (strawberry, blueberry, raspberry and boysenberry) Various ...

10 Goodness Pure Milk For Health

10 Goodness Pure Milk For Health Many people believe that drinking milk can cause obesity. In fact, research proves otherwise! Drinking milk actually help you get a slim body and ideal. In addition, there are many other important reasons that make you need to drink milk every day. Consider the great benefits given milk for your body follows. 1. Preventing Osteoporosis High calcium content in milk can help you prevent and treat osteoporosis. 2. Prevent Damage Teeth Drinking milk will reduce the risk of tooth decay, such as cavities. Milk is rich in calcium and vitamin D are essential for healthy growth and strong teeth. 3. Not all Milk Make You Fat Do not assume your body by drinking milk will be fat fast. There are different kinds of milk on the market. Examine read the label the nutritional content listed on the packaging box of milk you want to buy. For those of you who are afraid of fat but still want to get the vitamins and minerals of milk, you can choose milk with low fat and sug...

Here Are Some of The Causes You Often Feel Tired

Not sure what causes you often tired? Here are some things that cause fatigue, as quoted from, including: 1. Sitting in one position for a long time Sitting in one position for long periods can affect your energy use, including when you are watching TV or working with your computer. Therefore, frequently moving, get up from a chair, or just walk around for a while for your body back in good shape. 2. The wrong diet Poor diet, such as low-calorie diet, especially that only consume less than 850 calories per day will make you feel more tired and also can disrupt your health. If you want to lose weight, eat healthy foods, avoid fast food, avoid foods high in sugar, and reduce your portions. 3. Poor posture Poor posture also affects your energy. Body position leaning forward or leaning on the chair will put your spine is not properly thereby making your body feel tired. The more the position of your back is not good, so the more muscle you have to work to compensate. So when you...

Types of Diabetes Mellitus - Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Types of Diabetes Mellitus 1. Type 1 Diabetes Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 (insulin-dependent, insulin-dependent or juvenile onset), which covers approximately 10% to 20% of all cases of diabetes, is characterized by the absence of insulin secretion (Sherwood, 2001). Autoimmune diseases are genetically determined by the symptoms that eventually lead the immunologic destruction of insulin-producing cells. There are two subtypes: (a) autoimmune, due to autoimmune dysfunction, with the destruction of beta cells, (b) idiopathic, with no evidence of autoimmune and unknown source (Price, 2005). Patients produce little insulin or do not produce insulin at all (Sudoyo, 2007). Generally occurs before the age of 30 years, namely children and adolescents (Sudoyo, 2007). Scientists believe that environmental factors (such as infection or a viral infection of nutritional factors in childhood or early adulthood) causes the immune system destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Necessary fo...

Frequent Urination, Increased Appetite, Excessive Thirst, Pins and Needles - Diabetes Mellitus ?

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus Frequent Urination Urinate / micturition is the process of emptying the bladder when the bladder fills, the body whose role is the kidney, ureter, bladder, and urethra (Dorland, 2002). Excessive secretion of urine is called polyuria (Venes, 2001). Polyuria can be defined as the amount of urine over 125 ml / h or 3 liters / day. Polyuria may be caused by overhydration, osmotic diuresis, diuresis due to drugs, diuresis post-treatment, diabetes insipidus and renal failure due to high secretion (Sabiston, 1995). Polyuria is excessive urine volume, usually above 3 liters / day. The increased volume of urine can be accompanied by symptoms of frequent urination, nocturia (urinating at night), thirst, and polydipsia (Davey, 2005). Increased Appetite Increased appetite can be called polyphagia (Venes, 2001). Polyphagia defined as increased hunger (Kee, 1996). Polyphagia is greater hunger and arise as a result of loss of calories (Price and Wilson, 2005). ...


Inflammation Inflammation is the response of an organism against pathogens and mechanical alterations in tissue, in the form of a series of reactions that occur at the site of tissue injury, such as burns, or infected. Inflammation is one of the main response of the immune system against infection and irritation. Inflammation is stimulated by chemical factors (histamine, bradykinin, serotonin, leukotrienes, and prostaglandins) are released by cells that act as inflammatory mediators in the immune system to protect surrounding tissue from the spread of infection. Inflammation has three important role in resistance to infection: Allows the addition of effector molecules and cells, to the site of infection to improve the performance of macrophages. Provides barrier to prevent the spread of infection. Sparked the repair process for damaged tissue .. Inflammatory response can be recognized from the pain, skin bruising, fever, etc., caused by changes in blood vessels in the area of infection...

Definition and Pathophysiology of Peritonitis

Definition of of Peritonitis Peritonitis is an inflammation of the serous membrane that surrounds the abdominal cavity and organs located in it. Peritonitis is often caused by infection inflammation surrounding environment through bowel perforation as rupture of the appendix or diverticulum, as originally peritonitis is a sterile environment. It can also be caused by chemical irritants material such perforated ulcer of stomach acid or bile from the gall bladder perforation or laceration of the liver. In women it is possible localized peritonitis in the pelvic cavity of the fallopian tube infection or rupture of ovarian cysts. Cases of acute peritonitis untreated can be fatal. Pathophysiology of Peritonitis Initial reaction of peritoneal against invasion by bacteria is the release of fibrinous exudate. Pockets of pus (abscess) formed between fibrinous adhesions, which stick together with the surrounding surface, limiting the infection. Adhesions usually disappears when the infection dis...

Causes, How to Overcome and Prevent of Dysentery

Dysentery is an inflammation that occurs in the large intestine. The symptoms are frequent bowel movements and accompanied by mucus and blood. Children who suffer from dysentery to defecate very frequent liquid stools and dilute up to more than ten times a day. It could even be up to 20-30 times a day. Causes : The cause of dysentery can be divided into two: Amoebic dysentery caused by parasitic infections, with the name Entamoeba histolytica. Bacillary dysentery caused by Shigella bacteria. Usually bacteria and parasites transmitted through contaminated food and water or through a tool that settle on the food. How to Overcome: Such as the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery most important disease is overcome dehydration. Give ORS. If you try to treat themselves in 2-3 days not cured, immediately consult a doctor. Usually someone will be easy to fall into a state of dehydration. Prevention: Because dysentery is a disease caused by a lack of hygiene, then start to note the environmental hy...

Diarrhea is Usually Required Medical Supervision

D iarrhea is a disease when stool or feces turned into soft or liquid which usually happens at least three times in 24 hours. Symptoms are usually found defecation is continuously accompanied by prolonged heartburn, dehydration, nausea and vomiting. But other symptoms that can arise include stiffness in the back, and abdomen often reads. Diarrhea is usually required under medical supervision: Diarrhea in infants. Moderate or severe diarrhea in children. Diarrhea mixed with blood. Diarrhea that continues for more than 2 weeks. Diarrhea accompanied by other common diseases such as abdominal pain, fever, weight loss, and others. Diarrhea in people who are traveling (possibility of exotic infections such as parasites). Diarrhea in institutions such as hospitals, child care, mental health institutes. Some ways to prevent diarrhea include: Keep hydrated with a balanced electrolyte. This is the most appropriate way in most cases of diarrhea, even dysentery. Consuming large amounts of water ar...

Health Education About 7 Steps to Hand Washing

7 Steps to Hand Washing Definition Washing hands with soap is one of the sanitary measures with clean hands and fingers with soap and water by humans to be clean and break the chain of germs. Washing hands with soap is also known as one of the prevention of disease. This is done because the hands are often the agents who carry the bacteria and causing pathogens move from one person to another, either by direct contact or indirect contact (using other surfaces such as towels, glasses) Purpose Hand washing is one of the most fundamental technique to avoid the entry of germs into the body. Where the action is carried out with the aim of: So that the hands are clean. Freeing the hands of germs and microorganisms. Avoid the entry of germs into the body. The importance of washing hands with soap. 1. Hand washing can prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as diarrhea and bird flu. So wash your hands serve as a habit. 2. Behavior Handwashing is one important thing to preclude the occur...

Health Education About Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF)

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Definition Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever or often called dengue fever is a disease found in children and adults with primary symptoms of fever, muscle and joint pain, which worsened after the first two days. Causes Dengue fever is caused by the dengue virus and is transmitted through the bite of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Characteristics of the mosquito Color; brownish black. At the back, looks two curved lines vertically. The body and legs are covered in scales with a silvery-white line. Breeding grounds for mosquitoes Shelters water. Places that allow stagnant water. Transmission Dengue disease can only be transmitted by the female Aedes aegypti mosquito. This mosquito got dengue virus when biting and sucking blood containing dengue virus. Dengue virus is inhaled will multiply, and spread throughout the body of the mosquito, including the salivary glands of mosquitoes. When people are infected do not have immunity, he will soon be suffering from dengue feve...

7 Nursing Diagnosis for Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an infection in one or both of the lungs. Many germs, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, can cause pneumonia. You can also get pneumonia by inhaling a liquid or chemical. People most at risk are older than 65 or younger than 2 years of age, or already have health problems. Symptoms of Pneumonia Typical symptoms are cough, fever, sweats, shivers, being off your food and feeling generally unwell. Headaches and aches and pains are common. You usually make more sputum. This may become yellow/green coloured and is sometimes bloodstained. You may become breathless, breathe fast and develop a tight chest. A sharp pain in the side of the chest may develop if the infection involves the pleura. (This is the membrane between the lung and the chest wall.) A doctor may hear crackles in the chest when listening with a stethoscope. The following people have a higher risk of developing pneumonia: babies and very young children elderly people people who smoke people with other health co...

Low Birth Weight Prevention and Treatment

Low birth weight (LBW) is defined as a birth weight of a liveborn infant of less than 2,500 g (5 pounds 8 ounces) regardless of gestational age. Subcategories include very low birth weight (VLBW) which is less than 1500 g (3 pounds 5 ounces), and extremely low birth weight (ELBW) which is less than 1000 g (2 pounds 3 ounces). Normal Weight at term delivery is 2500 g - 4200 g (5 pounds 8 ounces - 9 pounds 4 ounces). Preventing a Low Birth Weight Baby There are many things an expectant mother can do to help reduce the chances of delivering a baby with low birth weight. The most important thing any mother can do is to see her health care provider on a regular basis. Regular check-ups can ensure that both mother and baby are healthy, growing, and developing properly. The health care provider can also help the expectant mother to manage any illnesses, conditions, or mental health issues she may have while she is pregnant. Folic acid plays a major role when preventing any type of birth defec...